What is Proactive Elder Law?

We invite you to learn more about our new PRO Active Elder Law Program™. This program addresses the needs of our clients who are or will be facing challenges with advancing age or declining health.  Unfortunately, a client’s mental health or physical condition often deteriorates more rapidly than expected, and the family helpers have not previously had the training they need to react calmly and effectively. This program proactively prevents this crisis mode.

The program begins with a private meeting with you and your helpers where we assess your current situation and provide individualized training to your disability trustees, financial agents, and health care agents. We also help identify local resources that can help you and your helpers with long term care, in-home health care, and personal care services. Our Special Delivery Service is for clients who cannot physically attend group meetings.  We would work together to create a custom plan for how and where we get your updated documents signed in the future.

Our Disability Settlement Security System is designed to assist your disability trustees in carrying out the instructions in your Trust after you can no longer effectively manage your property or financial affairs. Our Family Asset Protection Program considers the possible use of a strategic gift trust to potentially preserve family assets for your loved ones, as opposed to having to liquidate those assets to pay for nursing home care or become eligible for Medicaid. 

If you would like to discuss your personal situation and whether you would benefit from one of our complimentary initial consultations, please call Kelli at 364-2246 to schedule a time to visit.