Professional Advisors FAQ
+ What is a Planning Partner?
We believe that the best client focused planning happens when all of a client's trusted advisors come together in an environment of shared goals and ideas. We like to use the term "Planning Partner" to describe other financial service professionals our clients work with.
We believe that the client is best served when his or her advisors work together as partners in planning.
+ What if my clients have out of date trusts and wills that need reviewed?
Cain & Cain will provide an Estate Planning Review for prospective clients. We will review their Last Will and Testament, Trust, and any other planning documents for legal technical issues. We will also sit down with the prospective client and talk about their goals so that we can help them to determine whether their present documents meet their objectives and fit their current circumstances.
When bankers, financial advisors and accountants refer their clients to us for an Estate Planning Review, we provide this service (a value of $500) at no charge as a courtesy to our professional Planning Partners.
+ How do I learn more about the Cain & Cain estate planning process?
We encourage all types of professional advisors to learn about our estate planning process in two ways:
- Attend an educational program such as a Lunch & Learn at our office. Click here to sign up for our next event.
- Set up a planning Partner Session with one of our attorneys and learn five specific ways the Cain & Cain, Estate Planners for Life™ process can support your financial practice. Simply call our office at 405-364-2246 or fill out the form here to schedule this meeting.
+ How is the Estate Planners for Life™ Process different than traditional estate planning?
It’s Not About Documents – It’s About Results! The key to proper estate planning is clear, comprehensive, customized instructions for your own care and that of your loved ones. These instructions can be included in a will, a trust, and in several other related documents. We find that most of our clients are best served with a combination of these tools, backed up by the Three Step Strategy™. Learn more here.